Monday, June 15, 2009

My photography gear

I did not own any camera since i was small, everything change since September of last year, when i bought my very 1st DSLR, the DSLR-A200.

The DSLR-A200 included 2 lens, the 18-70mm F3.5-5.6 Kit lens and also 75-300mm F4.5-5.6 Telezoom. This 2 lens kicked off my photography journey, giving me chance to experience telephoto shooting which many other people not able to experience without purchase a telephoto lens.

My second gear, HLV-F42 flash gun has been bought on october 2008, I used the flashgun to shoot for some events, including my friend's wedding. On november, I bought my 3rd lens, the 50mm F1.7 minolta prime lens. I bought the lens before my trip to panama, it's a great lens for portraits and low light.

December of 2008, my battery fully depleted during my shooting in an event. Disappointingly after my both flash and camera battery depleted, i have to give up shooting the rest of event, and due to that, i bought my second set of batteries.

Febuary of 2009, i own a victory ball head tripod, which helps a lot on low light photography, and also long exposure photography.

March of 2009, I had visit the 2nd kingmax 4GB compact flash card with i visit DCIM.

May of 2009, finally i found my dream lens, the 70-210 F4 beercan.
I purchased vertical grip for my A200, for better grip and extra battery capacity.

June of 2009, Finally i get my DSLR-A700. I bought the baby beercan, to replace my kit lens.

In conclusion, my gear list is as following

Minolta 50mm F1.7
Minolta 70-210 F4 a.k.a. Beercan
Minolta 35-70 F4 a.k.a. Baby Beercan

And with these gear, it's time for me to continue push my photography skill to another height. Time to work hard... :P all the best to myself.

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