Saturday, June 13, 2009

Passion in sound

I am so grateful been granted the chance to enroll in 2 activity which my passion will always remains there... all the time....

1st is my job as a speaker designer.... my passion about sound, music, movie and sound system. Wandering around the world of compression and depression of air do come easy... but indeed enroll and master of it is insanely hard. There are magic everywhere in this field.... like very funny changes of speaker system which seems doesn't affect sound in so called "common sense" will change sound drastically (Another magic, Twink~~~) Not many people can get so-called "clear impression" of my job.... What "Acoustic Design Engineer"??? you mean electrical engineer? mechanical? ect ect... not at all.... We, acoustic design engineer are partial electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, artist, sound critics (Of course we have to criticizing our creation to improve)....

We always make sound, and also make noise occasionally....
We always make speakers, and also make rubbish sometimes (5S fury)...
We always a try and error specialist. we try and fail and try again like crazy... as sound very subjective 1 lor...
We always make magic... Talk nonsense (actually it make sense)... like "You change this and tat component, and the sound become bla bla bla...."

We.... anyway, save the elaborations and jumps to conclusion straight away.... I love my job... haa....

Hopefully my company and boss don't fired me... hopefully...

And second passion i have, save for next time lar.... there is always "To be continued"...

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