Monday, June 15, 2009

SOEM Photography Club

For quite some time i heard that there are some sort of photography gathering held by design member, going out to somewhere to photo shooting portraits.

And yesterday, the club is having another photography session at penang beach near queensbay mall. Therefore for the 1st time i join the event. Packing in both my DSLR A200 and A700, equip with my kit lens, Beercan and 50mm prime lens, i depart for the gathering at 6am.

In the photography session, we shoot some dawn photo, some "beach" photo, with some very nice little accessory, and finally 2 lenglui, which one of them is my colleague.

That's indeed a very tiring day. Furthermore i dont sleep well on the day before, therefore i nearly collapse when i return from the shooting. And finally now i finished to filter and post-editing my photos... time for some sharing....

Hope u all enjoyed it. :P and btw i'm so happy with the A700. it's a very worth purchase somehow....

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