Friday, June 19, 2009

Operation Mangroove

Yesterday i went to a bistro named OXO, near queensbay mall....

Reason? Of course not to eat. (huh?) Not for drink also (Jay Chow's Cowboy also only drink milk. haaaa)

I have a mission....

Mission ManGroove

Objective: Hunt down Mangroove singing group, snipe them and withdraw...
Snipe? of course not using gun lar. using my DSLR-A700

i had promised my friend, who's one of the singer and pianist of Mangroove, to photoshot them for blog photos.... To put those photo in their blog profile.

And with this mission, I visit the bistro with my "weapon" and take a few snaps of them there.

But looks like the enviroment is against me, the lightning there is dim, with tungsten lights arround, and really not good for photography, luckily i bring my A700. With it's awesome noise performance, still the dim light is against me. Slow shutter will blur the photo, as during performance we cant expect those mangroove in perfect silence, so the only choice, high ISO, 50mm 1.7 lens with 1.7 wide open, flashgun, and of course, a little bit of noise from the high ISO.

Anyway after a bit filtering and editing, whala......

Hope you all enjoy it.

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